Module Federation is a new feature in Webpack 5 that allows you to share code between multiple independent applications.
GraphQL with Relay Modern - video
Relay Modern is is a GraphQL client developed by Meta. It takes an opinionated approach to GraphQL api design, it offers a powerful set of react hooks within its API, and the compiler makes source code highly scalable and robust by flagging errant code and producing artifacts for type-safety.
Symmetric Encryption with ExCrypto in Elixir/Phoenix
Persisting sensitive data is usually done using hashing. But what if you need to retrieve the data without verifying against a provided value?
Working with Angular
Angular can be difficult to grasp in its enormity so here I just want to document some of the topics, subjects, and techniques that I found most useful as I developed my ability to use it.
Dynamic imports
This article is a brief description on how to use dynamic imports in javascript to reduce wasteful network traffic. This method results in only downloading necessary code when necessary.